Comics about games!.....

Comics about games!.....
all damn week....

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Welcome to our asylum!

We have chips and dip to the left....don't actually click randomly on the lefthand side of the page hoping to obtain our food....hobo.

Wait..say what?

Anywho welcome to another random blog on the internet, but unlike other blogs, we plan to have more.....well simply put "absurd" ideas in our writing (typing). Prepare to enjoy the most absurd of rants, ideas, vids, pics, analysis, whatever that can be found in the world (you know, aside from 4chan and port-a-potties).

Also while visiting please be sure to check the poll to the right hand side of the page. It's updated weekly and should always be a fun topic. ;D

And of course, we encourage readers to comment. It helps the motivation. So do posters but comments help too.


  1. I still clicked to the left of the page. I have mad munchies...I'll have to settle for a few cheese curds...they sound gross....but haters to the left. They are AWESOME.

  2. You fell for the trap-muahahahahaha

  3. Someone took meh sammich! I is severely disappointed. :(

  4. It was me. Should of bought a burger from 5 Guys Reccher
