Comics about games!.....

Comics about games!.....
all damn week....

Monday, May 31, 2010

Another Absurd Nerd, Reporting For Duty.

This is my first post . . . probably not my last, but who can be sure?

Let me break it down for you. I thought for a long time about what I wanted to say, and even as I clicked "New Post" I had absolutely zero ideas regarding what to write. What do I have to say about politics? I'm fully aware that my knowledge of American politics is rudimentary at best, so why go touting my opinion around when I barely have one? I know exactly nothing about technology, and even less (what?) about popular culture. One hopeful candle in the darkness is that I'm a gamer - and there I felt my lonely rowboat of blogging beginning to drift ashore! Ah, but no, wait. I am considered second-lowest on the ladder of gaming success: I am a JRPG-er. (At least I beat out the mouthbreathing MMORPG-ers.) No FPS for me, please, and let me take all of my sparse gaming knowledge from "Yahtzee" Croshaw, Professional Troll. Aaaand there's the wave that tows me far from the sandy beaches of inspiration! Woe is me!

So, what to write about when there's not much at all to write about.
That's when it hit me: the reason this is so hard is that I'm NOT a blogger.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with blogs or anyone who writes them. Clearly not, as I'm here, aren't I? I'm trying. But the ways of the blog are a mystery to me. Should I talk about something I don't know, or about myself? Which one is the greater faux pas? Do I rant? Do I keep it short and sweet? Do I elevate my language, or just DERP all over the pages as it comes to me? Do I pose questions? Do I do everything in my power to sew up the holes so no one can worm their way into my monologue?

Am I over-thinking again?

I'm sure I'll come up with something substantial someday, but right now I still don't know what to do with this block of white space. Lord knows I have opinions about . . . well, things, and stuff. But my feelings are: if you want them, ask for them. That or say something I disagree with so that I have my opening. (Go ahead, I dare you.) Or, say something I agree with so that I can tell you how much I like you, and perhaps invite you over for dinner.

Anyway, let this be my post explaining how surprised and honestly grateful I am to have been invited into this blog, though I don't know its creators . . . well, at all really. I hope to get to know them through the sincere asshattery of the internet. Sometimes that's just the right way to go about things. Other times, you get scarred for life.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

AIM Chats Pt1: Bieber Punch

Hey everyone! This is the start of a new series called "AIM Chats." This series will just be a bunch of conversations on AIM which i find to be hilarious. I hope you enjoy them! :D

(1:55:49 AM):

dude why the fuck is this bieber kid so famous?
RECCHER (1:55:55 AM):
RECCHER (1:55:56 AM):
i heard
RECCHER (1:55:59 AM):
he was going to delbarton!
AbsurdNerdJay (1:56:51 AM):
RECCHER (1:57:21 AM):
RECCHER (1:57:23 AM):
someone said
RECCHER (1:57:25 AM):
that was a rumor
RECCHER (1:57:27 AM):
i was like
AbsurdNerdJay (1:57:27 AM):
wtf this better not be the next jonas bros sensation
RECCHER (1:57:28 AM):
the FUCK
RECCHER (1:57:39 AM):
i know
AbsurdNerdJay (1:57:48 AM):
AbsurdNerdJay (1:57:53 AM):
it's worse
RECCHER (1:57:56 AM):
AbsurdNerdJay (1:57:56 AM):
AbsurdNerdJay (1:58:17 AM):
i wanna punch him
RECCHER (1:58:23 AM):
won't load
RECCHER (1:58:25 AM):
please do
RECCHER (1:58:27 AM):
he deserves
RECCHER (1:58:29 AM):
AbsurdNerdJay (1:58:49 AM):
dude, just search "one time justin bieber"on youtube
RECCHER (1:58:58 AM):
RECCHER (1:58:59 AM):
RECCHER (1:59:09 AM):
that will ruin my youtube account
AbsurdNerdJay (1:59:16 AM):
google vid then
AbsurdNerdJay (1:59:18 AM):
AbsurdNerdJay (1:59:22 AM):
hes just....
AbsurdNerdJay (1:59:26 AM):
i wanna punch him
RECCHER (2:00:00 AM):
AbsurdNerdJay(2:00:48 AM):
hes...just auto-tuning
AbsurdNerdJay(2:00:56 AM):
i wanna punch him
RECCHER (2:01:10 AM):
RECCHER (2:01:12 AM):
i know what you mean
AbsurdNerdJay(2:02:08 AM):
some of the girls in this vid look over 18
RECCHER (2:02:16 AM):
RECCHER (2:02:17 AM):
AbsurdNerdJay(2:02:26 AM):
senioritas....rape goes both ways
RECCHER (2:02:33 AM):
AbsurdNerdJay(2:03:34 AM):
i just.....
AbsurdNerdJay(2:03:38 AM):
i just....
AbsurdNerdJay(2:03:44 AM):
i wanna punch him
RECCHER (2:03:54 AM):
RECCHER (2:04:08 AM):
AbsurdNerdJay(2:05:02 AM):
i think this kid just might make the jonas look good... he is that....this phenomemon n rise to fame is...just that stupid.......i wanna punch him
RECCHER (2:05:40 AM):
RECCHER (2:05:41 AM):
RECCHER (2:07:49 AM):
RECCHER (2:07:54 AM):
needs to drop off the planet
RECCHER (2:07:56 AM):
Not2dumb2live (2:08:06 AM):
im starting to watch parodies already
RECCHER (2:08:15 AM):
AbsurdNerdJay(2:08:24 AM):
y evAbsurdNerdJay(2:08:30 AM):
RECCHER (2:09:51 AM):
he's from canad
RECCHER (2:09:55 AM):
RECCHER (2:09:58 AM):
blame them
AbsurdNerdJay(2:10:03 AM):
freakin canadians lost my respect
AbsurdNerdJay(2:10:17 AM):
oh i know where to go with this theme
RECCHER (2:10:25 AM):
AbsurdNerdJay(2:10:35 AM):
RECCHER (2:10:44 AM):

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Bits of Things 1: Labels,The West Wing, DADT, and Poll Reminder

Politics is mostly shit ('scuse me, "mud") slinging and corrupt, but nonetheless, it has been a subject I follow closely it plays a huge role in our lives (and I currently have too much free time....). Anyway, I'll make it clear now that many will label me liberal, which I do not blame them because many of my views on many subjects can be considered liberal-though that even happens to be the case in even the issues where I may have a conservative slant. But to be honest I do not give a crap about the labels, because most of the time they predefine people in arguments and that I do not like very much. Why? Because then when two people discuss/debate issues, most of the time they already formed their perspective on the person whom they are debating. In other words, labels influence people to form views and perspectives depending on thier label rather than truly analyzing claims and sides.

I could go on and on about that, but I got other things on my the West Wing tv show! Now I have stopped watching after midway of season 4, because the characters in the show seem to move a little more right than I supposed and some of the issues are minimal. I mean in the first three seasons they tacked on drugs (prison v rehab), racism, DADT (Don't Ask Don't Tell-to be explained below), national security, economics, the Census, etc... Then it went into classic tv melodrama route and I kind of got tired of the show; however, I have to say that the first 3 or so seasons was some of the tv I ever watched. And it really puts the issues into view in most cases. Such as on the Census, the argument was about averaging out people in a similar way done in surveys ( since not everyone returns the form). And as the episode went on I was kinda for the idea, but I also remembered that according to the constitution, it must be a count of everybody. The averaging out argument turned out to win....but not really. After the "formal" debate was done, behind closed doors, the person arguing for averaging out people noted that if the other side mentioned "Then we should just stop doing voting in elections and just average out the people based on their politcal party"(or something like that) then they would've won the debate. I was taken aback from this and never really realized that point. All I can say is...damn I love seasons 1-3 of the West Wing! :D

And come on now, you can't tell me that Martin Sheen....errr I mean Jedediah Bartlett wouldn't make a kick ass president! ->

But as for DADT, it is actually approaching the final (and toughest) stages of being repealed. Recently, a senate panel voted to repeal the rule-OHSUM(awesome for those who didn't understand what I just said...except for the RECCHER!!!!!!). For those who do not know, basically DADT forbids gays, lesbians, and bisexuals from serving in the military. They can serve buuuuut only as long the military doesn't find out they are gay. Key words: if they do not find out. So as far as I am concerned, if someone outs you, then the military will show you the door.

So what happens next? Actually, all that is left to be done is for the final Senate vote, Obama to sign the repeal and voila, the the toughest parts are finished. If he signs the repeal, it would take a couple of months for the Pentagon to end the review assessment. Then it is another 60 days until the repeal is instituted. Republicans threaten to filibuster (fancy senate term for "cock block") the defense bill if the DADT repeal amendment is still attached, but most likely they will not be able to hold the votes. I don't know much about the defense bill in general, but DADT amendment seems worth it to me.

On a final note: see that poll to the right. Yeah, that's right, your right. VOTE! The RECCHER leads but it's a slight margin! Will he maintain the lead or will underdog Barack Obama win the weekly poll? Who knows? But time is running out so again I say-VOTE!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Join the shitstorm which is AmericaSpeakingOut

Ok I just heard about this story so the details may not be entirely be accurate but apparently the Republicans decided to create a website so regular Americans, like me, you, and the Asians, can send and post suggestions. The site is called and all you do is post ideas so the Republicans can make their policy based on your suggestions!

I guess they are trying to be more than a reactionary party to Obama buuuuuuut really the internet? You are asking the internet for a fucking platform? Hmm, I wonder what happens when you give people a wide open forum about politics on the internet? I don't care what your political afflitiations are, but no political party should do something so damn stupid.

As you can guess, it first got infested with tea party protesters, but as soon as the liberals came, true hilarity ensued. Good luck trying to find which suggestions are serious and which ones are great works of sarcasm.

"The problem is that our borders are no longer expanding. What happened to Manifest Destiny people?!? Why do we even have a border with Mexico? Latin America is falling to the GLOBAL LEFT, and on OUR WATCH. We could have 50 more states, easy. Maybe more. "

"A 'teacher' told my child in class that dolphins were mammals and not fish! And the same thing about whales! We need TRADITIONAL VALUES in all areas of education. If it swims in the water, it is a FISH. Period! End of Story."

"Get off my lawn!"

"Terrorists abroad are not as great a threat as leftists at home. "

"I should have the right to name my children using numbers. If I want to name my child l33t, I should be able to name him that, darsh gone it. Who is the guberment to say that I can't name my children using numbers? "

"Illegal immigrants come here primarily for one reason; jobs. Heavily fine any employer, contractor, sub-contractor that employs them and the economic incentive will dissapear. Why is the US Chamber of Commerce against this idea? "

"Make English our official language. It has been up for vote twice and did not pass. Why"

Ok...they're not that hard to discern...

But the best so far is...

"We need to train an army of Ninja Cats. Cats are natural born hunters and predators, and it is known that they indeed have 9 lives, many more than the typical human life (being one). They are also excellent at hiding themselves and would be ideal for sneaking into countries and assassinating communist leaders to lessen the ever growing threat of communism, finding key terrorist leaders and shattering the global terrorist network. In fact they could be potentially useful in the current Korean crisis. Loyal to their trainers, the cats could rain destruction and fear throughout the world, and if ever captured would never tell who they are serving. Finally, after they have solved the worlds problems, they could serve as border patrol and show unflinching resolve at keeping illegals where they belong, anywhere but here."

Why isn't this guy in charge at the Pentagon?

Comment below.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Welcome to our asylum!

We have chips and dip to the left....don't actually click randomly on the lefthand side of the page hoping to obtain our food....hobo.

Wait..say what?

Anywho welcome to another random blog on the internet, but unlike other blogs, we plan to have more.....well simply put "absurd" ideas in our writing (typing). Prepare to enjoy the most absurd of rants, ideas, vids, pics, analysis, whatever that can be found in the world (you know, aside from 4chan and port-a-potties).

Also while visiting please be sure to check the poll to the right hand side of the page. It's updated weekly and should always be a fun topic. ;D

And of course, we encourage readers to comment. It helps the motivation. So do posters but comments help too.