Comics about games!.....

Comics about games!.....
all damn week....

Monday, May 31, 2010

Another Absurd Nerd, Reporting For Duty.

This is my first post . . . probably not my last, but who can be sure?

Let me break it down for you. I thought for a long time about what I wanted to say, and even as I clicked "New Post" I had absolutely zero ideas regarding what to write. What do I have to say about politics? I'm fully aware that my knowledge of American politics is rudimentary at best, so why go touting my opinion around when I barely have one? I know exactly nothing about technology, and even less (what?) about popular culture. One hopeful candle in the darkness is that I'm a gamer - and there I felt my lonely rowboat of blogging beginning to drift ashore! Ah, but no, wait. I am considered second-lowest on the ladder of gaming success: I am a JRPG-er. (At least I beat out the mouthbreathing MMORPG-ers.) No FPS for me, please, and let me take all of my sparse gaming knowledge from "Yahtzee" Croshaw, Professional Troll. Aaaand there's the wave that tows me far from the sandy beaches of inspiration! Woe is me!

So, what to write about when there's not much at all to write about.
That's when it hit me: the reason this is so hard is that I'm NOT a blogger.

Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with blogs or anyone who writes them. Clearly not, as I'm here, aren't I? I'm trying. But the ways of the blog are a mystery to me. Should I talk about something I don't know, or about myself? Which one is the greater faux pas? Do I rant? Do I keep it short and sweet? Do I elevate my language, or just DERP all over the pages as it comes to me? Do I pose questions? Do I do everything in my power to sew up the holes so no one can worm their way into my monologue?

Am I over-thinking again?

I'm sure I'll come up with something substantial someday, but right now I still don't know what to do with this block of white space. Lord knows I have opinions about . . . well, things, and stuff. But my feelings are: if you want them, ask for them. That or say something I disagree with so that I have my opening. (Go ahead, I dare you.) Or, say something I agree with so that I can tell you how much I like you, and perhaps invite you over for dinner.

Anyway, let this be my post explaining how surprised and honestly grateful I am to have been invited into this blog, though I don't know its creators . . . well, at all really. I hope to get to know them through the sincere asshattery of the internet. Sometimes that's just the right way to go about things. Other times, you get scarred for life.

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